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Simple Greek Apple Cake

Simple Greek Apple Cake : simple and delicate, the way it has to be. My mother’s recipe note book hides a lot of treasures. This Simple Greek Apple Cake is really easy, frugal and tasty one. Since the ingredients do not have anything to do with typical Greek flavours I… Read more »

Apple Galette

Apple Galette: delightfully open-faced rustic treat that is quick and easy to make with store bought pie crust. While doing a late Friday shopping for a weekend ahead, I have bought a package of ready to bake pie crust. The first idea for a weekend dessert was a classic apple… Read more »

Caramel Apple Jam

  Caramel Apple Jam: falling into perfect combination of flavors! So homemade and comforting  … Apple time, people! One of my closest friends has returned from her holidays just for a few days to pick the apples up at her countryside garden. She also takes a special care of heirloom… Read more »

Blackberry Apple Earl Grey Jam

Blackberry Apple Earl Grey Jam: Apples and seedless blackberries jam with a hint of Earl Grey. Give me Five (o’clock tea) please ! Blackberries and apples are an excellent combination for a jam. Earl Grey Tea leaves with its’ bergamot flavor makes it definitely one of my favorite jams. Imagine… Read more »

Lattice Apple Pie

Lattice Apple Pie prepared this way is an all time classic. Sour cream adds a special flavor. Perfection at it’s peak ! The holidays are gone, the fruits’ and vegetables’ reserves are still to be found and we all tend to make simple dishes after decadent days are gone. This… Read more »