Pine Nut Cookies
Pine Nut Cookies are low sugar, almond paste, pine nuts cookies. Italian recipe aka Biscotti ai Pignolli.
The most exiting time of the year, at least for children, is getting closer. It is not only the presents and cookies; it is the snow, too.
Since the winter scene has skipped this part of the world for several years now, I truly hope we’ll have it this year.
There is nothing as beautiful as the snow falling on Christmas Eve, so emotional, so filled with hope and joy. All the children I know are watching through the window to see a flake or two during holidays …
These pignoli cookies are ment to make the scene complete. I bake them twice a year: for Christmas and Easter. These cookies recipe is „must do“. As well as Grandmother’s Pine Nut pie .
Both of these traditional recipes are made for centuries in this part of world since there are reliable sources of pine nuts all over. They are simple and easy to make and delicious.
My friend lives in the pine trees surrounding and gather the nuts herself with her children’ assistance and makes all kinds of savory and sweet dishes so, yes, I had an excellent teacher; while assisting her I fell in love with the taste and possibilities. As about linguistics, if you intend to say certain person is pignolo , think twice because you may have troubles on your way.
Here are some useful information to read to know a bit more about these precious Italian nuts;
What are pine nuts aka pignolli ?
Pine nuts aka pignoli are small nuts with soft texture and a sweet, buttery flavor. To taste the best, they are lightly toasted to release the best flavours.
What do pine nuts taste like?
They have nutty, soft, rich buttery flavour. The taste is most similar to cashews. Storage is very important. If you get more pignoli than you need at the moment, the best way to store them is in the freezer. If you leave them in the pantry for too long they may spoil.
What dishes are pine nuts used in ?
Both savory and sweet dishes. Savory ones, to name just a few are pesto, pasta dishes, pizza , sauces, hummus, savoury breads, fish, risotto, dips, stews and salads.
Sweet dishes are swiss rolls, cookies, pies, cakes , tarts , fruit salads and pinewheels .
Where do best pine nuts come from?
In the Mediterranean area, the biggest producers are Italy, Spain and Portugal. Globally, China, North Korea and Russia are major producers.
Why are pine nuts so expensive?
Pine nuts are one of the more expensive nuts on the market because of the time required to grow the nuts and the effort to harvest the seeds from their protective encasement.
What can I replace pine nuts with in pesto?
Pine nuts in pesto can easily be replaced by cashews, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, sunflower seeds, pecans, pepitas, even macadamias although they are the most expensive of all nuts !
Please have in mind that each sort of nuts have different flavours so using one of them changes the taste of finished pesto accordingly.

Pine Nut Cookies
Pine Nut Cookies are low sugar, almond paste, pine nuts cookies. Italian recipe aka Biscotti ai Pignolli.
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- ½ tsp baking powder
- Pinch of salt
- 3 ½ Tbsp icing sugar
- 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
- 1 egg
- 2 ½ Tbsp marzipan
- 1 ½ Tbsp butter
- ½ cup pine nuts
- powdered sugar, optional
In a medium sized bowl, mix flour, baking powder, salt, icing sugar, vanilla extract, egg, marzipan and butter to get smooth dough.
Preheat the oven to 180 C / 356 F.
Cover baking sheet cake pan with parchment paper.
On a working surface, form a dough roll and cut it to 12 pieces of same size.
Put pignoli in a shallow bowl.
Shape the dough pieces into the balls and flatten them gently pressing each of them to get plain cookies.
Roll the balls into the pignoli and place onto the baking paper. Decorate with pine nuts on the top.
Bake for 15 minutes. If you bake them for first time, keep an eye on them since 15 minutes may be too long, depending on your oven.
Leave to cool completely and then carefully place onto a plate.
Before serving, you may dust the cookies with powdered sugar.
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